Thursday, November 21, 2019

Joint Smashing in Perry

From the Farmer’s Vindicator, February 22, 1901

Friday evening fifteen of the most prominent women of Perry smashed two joints and destroyed the liquor in one drug store. The women were led by Mrs. Coe, wife of the Methodist minister, and Mrs. J.L. Raines, wife of the cashier of the Perry bank.

They first visited the joint kept by A. Brewer. He received the women politely and held a light while they destroyed his store of liquor. They next paid their compliments to the joint of J.H. Peak where they destroyed all the liquor they could find and demolished the handsome bar with plate glass mirrors, which had been furnished by the Val Blatz Brewing Co. They then visited L.H. Bouton’s drug store, and found and destroyed the liquor it contained. One of the women broke a bottle which she supposed contained whisky but which was filled with carbolic acid, and her hand was severely burned.

Logan, Ohio, ladies shame proprietors of liquor establishments, 1874.
The other drugstore, owned by Fred L. Diggs, mayor of Perry, and son of Annie L. Diggs, state librarian, was not molested, as Mr. Diggs has never sold any liquor during the five years he has been in the business.

The value of the property destroyed was about $700, not including the bar and mirrors, which bring the total to over $1,000.

Mayor Diggs says the joint smashers were among the best women of the town, and that they were cool and determined.

This story appeared in “Yesteryears” in April 1992.

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